dimanche, mars 18, 2007

There are moments when I miss her
I miss the way she was
when she was with you
She was really happy then.
Always giddy, always giggling
Always smiling.
I miss the fact that no matter what happens,
even if she's had a really really bad day,
she can still smile at the end of it
coz she knows that she'll be seeing you
and you'll make her feel better.
I miss the way that she sees everything
in a positive light
Nowadays, she's more reserved and just keeps to herself
I wish that I could bring her back
Back to the way she was
when she was still full of hope,
trust and faith
But I am helpless
Coz at the end of it all,
it's still your call.
Please bring her back for me.
She deserves to be happy.