But the wise shall shine brightly
like the splendor of the firmament,
And those who lead the many to justice
shall be like the stars forever.
A friend said this to me and as I said, we might as well convince ourselves that we are part of those who are "wise". I really appreciate the encouragement. I'm sorry if I seemed so off and didn't talk that much coz a million things were running through my head. Add the fact that I was so stressed and panicky. End result: me staring off into space.
Anyway, one exam down. Five more to go. It's getting to be really tiring but you do what you have to do. Plus, I don't know where I'm going to study from Wednesday till Saturday coz Garyn's off to a retreat and we can't stay over at CMO. Huhuhu. Displaced individuals. I wish I could find a suitable alternative.
Let's study like there's no tomorrow then. (Actually, wala nga. Tax na bukas eh!)